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Casa Toscana shares the philosophy of classic Italian cooking based on the high quality of ingredients and in the simplicity of recipes.

The ‘Ristorante’ has access to the freshest fish, most tender grass-fed beef from the Kokstad area and finest seasonal venison from dedicated hunters.

The delicacy of the wild porcini mushrooms, sourced from Singisi Forest and featured in several dishes, has enticed many food lovers.................
Casa Toscana is proud to be one of only three restaurants in South Africa to be awarded the ‘Ospitalità Italiana’ Seal of Quality in 2011.
The seal of Quality has been confirmed for the year 2012

Meal stage Composition
Aperitivo: aperitif usually enjoyed as an appetizer before a large meal, may be: Campari, Cinzano, Prosecco, Spritz, Vermouth
Antipasto literally "before (the) meal", hot or cold  appetizers
Primo "first course", usually consists of a hot dish like pasta, risotto, gnocchi, or soup.

Secondo "second course", the main dish, usually fish or meat. Traditionally beef, lamb,pork and chicken are most commonly used.
Contorno "side dish", may be a salad or cooked vegetables. A traditional menu features salad along with the main course.
Formaggio e frutta "cheese and fruits“.
Dolce "sweet", such as cakes (like Tiramisu)
Caffè coffee
Digestivo "digestives", liquors/liqueurs (grappa, amaro, limoncello, sambuca), sometimes referred to as ammazzacaffe`( "coffee killer")

Antipasti - Starters

Freddi – Cold  (served plated price per portion )
Prosciutto e melone ...fresh imported Parma Ham on sliced sweet melon.                                           

Panzanella... a rustic traditional salad made with tuscan bread tomatoes cucumber onion, fresh mint dressed evo.                                                                                                                                        
Rotolo di mozzarella ripieno... buffalo style mozzarella roll stuffed with vegetables and prosciutto
Involtini di bresaola...(bresaola: cured beef  carpaccio)  bresaola rolls stuffed with fresh goat cheese...
Caprese... buffalo style mozzarella salad  with  ripe tomatoes dressed with evo and basil pesto
Bigne` ripieni di mousse...ecclairs filled with  a varity of mousses: tuna, cheese , salmon, Parma ham  (choose your filling, 3 eclairs in each plate nicely presented )
Taglieri di salumi con pane casereccio imported Italian cold meats ( prosciutto, salame, mortadella, coppa, pancetta)  Served with home made  Tuscan bread and olives .                                                               
Bruschette miste (pomodoro, funghi, fegatini, melanzane) toasted bread with different toppings: tomatoes and mozzarella, aubergine and pecorino, porcini mushroom, Tuscan chichen liver  pate` 4 bruschetta
Carpaccio di manzo
Carpaccio di Venison
Carpaccio di pesce crudo (Tonno o Salmone)


Please note the following prices were for 2013and are only a guide, they may be subject to change for 2014 and 2015

Antipasti – Starters

(for buffet options)

Single serving
(make your own platter)
Prosciutto e melone ...fresh imported Parma Ham  and sweet melon.   R 20
Panzanella... a rustic traditional salad made with tuscan bread, tomatoes, cucumber, onion,  R 16
        fresh mint dressed in evo.
Mini mondeghili... (little Italian meatballs)     R20
Involtini di bresaola... ( bresaola: cured beef  carpaccio)  bresaola rolls stuffed with fresh  R 22
        goat cheese...
Bicchierini di mare... seafood cups : calamari and prawns with courgette’s pesto  R 25
Bicchierini di caprese... caprese cups: buffalo style mozzarella salad with tomatoes,   R 18
        evo and basil pesto
Bicchierini di parmigiana... aubergine or courgette parmigiana   R 18
Bigne` ripieni di mousse... home made eclairs filled with various mousse: tuna, cheese ,
        salmon, parma ham        R 15
Bruschette (pomodoro, funghi, fegatini, melanzane)                                                                           R15
Bruschette Porcini mushrooms                                                                                                         R15
Olive ripiene... deep fried olives stuffed with cheese and herbs   R12

Antipasti – Starters

Caldi – Hot

Sformatini di verdure con fonduta di formaggio : choose your  flan: courgette, broccoli , carrots, asparagus all   served with a rich cheese fondue
Verdure ripiene (zucchine, pomodorini, peperoni)                                                                                              
Parmigiana di melanzane                                                                                                                                                  
Parmigiana di zucchine                                                                                                                                                     

Zuppe – Soup

Butternut and Apple soup                                                                                                                                
Broccoli and crispy pancetta                                                                                                                                            
Carrots and potatoes  “vellutata” with  onions flavored croutons and chive                                                   
Leeks and potatoes vellutata                                                                                                                                           
Minestrone di verdure con croutons and parmesan chips



Ravioli di magro 
(spinach and ricotta homemade pasta parcels)
Tortelli  di agnello 
(lamb and asparagus homemade pasta parcels)
(roasted pork and beef homemade pasta parcels)
Di magro (spinach and ricotta cheese)
Di carne (beef bolognese sauce)
Di pesce (seafood sauce)  
Spinach and  ricotta cheese
Porcini mushrooms
Smoked salmon and chives

Carne – Meat
Agnello (Lamb with veg and roast potatoes)
Leg of lamb  roasted with herbs and garlic
Rack of lamb in herb crust
Filetto (Beef fillet with vegetable and roast potatoes)
Medallions in red peppercorn sauce
Whole roasted fillet stuffed with  porcini    mushrooms 
Pork (served with butternut and green beans)
Carree’  pork loin stuffed and roasted
Porchetta tesa  al finocchio : roasted pork loin with cracking  flavored with wild fennel flowers
Pollo – Chicken (Lamb with vegetable  and   herbed mashed potatoes )
Pollo cacciatora  Hunter’s chicken
Pollo Ripieno   Stuffed  roast chicken

Contorni - Side

Mixed roasted vegetables ( per serving choose 2)
Baby aubergines

Fagioli all ‘uccelletto ...uccelletto style beans
Fagiolini  Green beans tossed in evo  parsley and garlic
Zucchine alla menta Baby marrow braized in evo garlic and fresh mint
Verdure ripiene : bells  peppers,  courgettes, onions and  tomatoes


Meringata al cioccolato       Whipped cream, crumbly meringue and dark chocolate chunks, a combination of different textures in this classic Italian “semifreddo”
 Torta peperina A rich, but flour free, dark chocolate cake with just a hint of chilli served with vanilla ice cream.                                                                                                                                                   
 Bongo   Homemade eclaires filled with our crema pasticcera, drowned it in hot chocolate ganache
Tiramisù   Traditional spoon-pudding, made with mascarpone, dark chocolate and coffee.   
Panna Cotta ai Frutti di Bosco  A delicate cream pudding, served with a mixed-berry couli, garnished with berries.
 Crostatina di frutta  Fresh  fruit tart with “crema pasticcera”
La torta di Maria we have reinterpreted a Tuscan family recipe using dark Belgian chocolate, almonds in this rich no flour cake, served with Vanilla ice cream or fresh cream.
Trio di dolci  A taste of three of our favorite desserts, Torta peperina, bigné al caffe` (coffee éclair), pannacotta alla vaniglia.

(1)    Proposed menu for wedding R 310.00

Bruschette with a variety of different seasonal topping,
Chicken liver pate` with home made bread
Mixed salad for the table

Ravioli di magro : Home made pasta parcels filled with spinach, ricotta and
Grana Padano cheese served with your choice of  bolognese sauce
or our fragrant tomato “salsa”.

Roasted  pork loin stuffed with spinach served with roast potatoes

Bongo: home made éclairs filled with  “crema pasticcera” and  drowned in dark chocolate ganache

(2)    Proposed menu for wedding  R 310.00

Bigne` ripieni di mousse...ecclairs filled with
a varity of mousses: tuna, cheese , salmon, Parma ham  (choose your filling,
3 eclairs in each plate nicely presented )

Farfalle con asparagi e pancetta affumicata       
Farfalle  cooked al dente served with a delicious sauce of fresh asparagus,
smoked pancetta, vodka and cream.

Involtini di pollo con pomodori secchi :Tender chicken fillet wrap around
a tasty filling of sundried tomatoes and cheese. Served with seasonal vegetables

Bongo: home made éclair filled with  “crema pasticcera” and  drowned in dark chocolate ganache

(3)  Proposed menu for wedding R 390,00

Gamberi alla parica dolce: Large prawns sautéed in olive oil with garlic and smoky paprika
served on a lightly toasted bread.

Pappardelle ai porcini
Home made ribbon pasta served with a tasty sauce of porcini mushrooms garlic, parsley,
cream and Grana Padano cheese.

Filettino di manzo alla rucola:                                                       
Tender beef fillet seared in butter and extra virgin olive oil,
served with a rocket salad and thin cut fries.

Mousse al cioccolato fondente
Rich dark chocolate mousse served with chocolate fondue.

(4)  Proposed menu for wedding  R 460,00

Crudo di salmone:thinly sliced fresh Norwegian salmon dressed in evo, lemon juice chives ,
served with parmesan ice cream

Crespelle ai gamberi
Our home made  “crespelle “  filled with  sauté prawns and white sauce

Lemon sorbet 
Artisan made lemon sorbet to clean your mouth

Agnello arrosto :deboned leg of lam marinated in rosemary, garlic, and olive oil slowly
roasted and served  with roast potatoes and sauté spinach

Trio di dolci : a taste of three of our favourite desserts,
Torta peperina, bigné al caffe` (coffee éclair), pannacotta alla vaniglia.

(5)  Proposed menu for wedding  R 460,00

Bis di carpaccio
Beef carpaccio seasoned with fresh lemon, extra virgin olive oil, freshly ground black pepper and organic salt.
Venison carpaccio seasoned with sherry vinaigrette, garnished with rocket leaves and Grana Padano shavings.

Crespelle di agnello e asparagi
Our home made  “crespelle “filled with lamb braised in white wine
with fresh asparagus in a velvety white sauce and double butter

Lemon sorbet 
Artisan made lemon sorbet to clean your mouth

Filetto  ai funghi porcini
:tender beef fillet medallion pan seared and served with a topping of grilled porcini mushrooms, glased baby carrots and potatoes duchesse 

Trio di dolci : a taste of three of our favourite desserts,
Torta peperina, bigné al caffe` (coffee éclair), pannacotta alla vaniglia

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