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When you think meetings and conferencing you generally think about throwing a couple chairs together in the office boardroom or an over air-conditioned conference room that you’re going to be stuck in for the next few hours followed by some below average coffee and snacks. At Umtamvuna River Lodge we aim to breakaway from this stale approach and to open up the minds and creativity of your employees with our variety of out and indoor conferencing options. From our river beach to tented cliff side deck we can offer you an outdoor casual setting that encourages both a casual approach and relaxed feel to your conference. Whether its your next marketing strategy or budget for the year it has been proven that the mind works at its best when relaxed. So choose us for your next conference getaway and leave feeling both relaxed and motivated.

- Groups of Up To 100 delagates
- Accommodation for up to 18 delagates and arranged partnerships with outside
- Inhouse catering
-.Outdoor and indoor conferencing rooms
- PA System
- Out and Indoor Projector
- Stationary
- Bar Facilities
- Various water activities and team building options.
"Trapping ourselves indoors has created what health experts call a "nature deficit disorder" -- depression or anxiety resulting from too little time spend outside. Getting outdoors can do great things for your health. Reducing stress, lowering blood pressure and improving immune function are among nature’s health benefits. What's more, incorporating elements of nature into your workday can also give your brain a boost, resulting in increased productivity, focus and creativity."